Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Whole-Wheat Pasta

Welcome to the new Feeding the Kids blog, brought to you by the authors of Feeding the Kids: The Flexible, No-Battles, Healthy Eating System for the Whole Family. For more information on this brand new book- or our cheerful approach to eating, go to www.feedingthekids.com.

So, today my kindergartner brought a new friend home after school. I always like to make new playmates feel comfortable at my house, so on the way home I asked the little girl what she would like for lunch. She asked for pasta and my daughter whooped in agreement. I was pleased with the choice too-until I got home and looked into my cupboard.

Of course, I only feed my kids whole-wheat pasta. And, of course, I always feed whole-wheat pasta to their playmates... who, to date, have never even noticed. Problem was, at the store yesterday I noticed a new brand of pasta. Since I am always on the look out for new healthy products, I bought a box to try out on my family. But try it out on a new playdate? Now that is serious maternal risk taking!

For those of you who haven't read Feeding the Kids, I would never, ever claim that all (or even most) whole-wheat pasta tastes good. In fact, I only really like two brands. That's because most brands taste bitter and are either rubbery or brittle. Really nasty. So, was this new pasta going to be good? Or was the little girl going to go home reporting that she's starving from being feed weird and inedable pasta?

I boiled the water, pacing. I put in the pasta, holding my breath. I waited an eternal 10 minutes and, finally, fished out a piece. Blowing on it, I smiled nervously at the expectant and hungry girls. I tasted it and . . . it was good! The kids ate heaping plates full with many compliments to the chef. Whew.

So, now I have three favorite brands of whole grain pasta. All have been tested on my own kids and their unsuspecting playmates. Enjoy!
  1. Naturally Preferred Organic Whole Wheat Rotini (and other shapes): available at Kroger and King Sooper's stores
  2. Ronzoni Healthy Harvest Whole Wheat Blend Pasta (any shape)
  3. Bionaturae 100% Stone Ground Whole Duram Wheat Organic Pasta (available as health-food stores)