Monday, March 19, 2007

Have you heard this song?

I just got a call from my good friend Angie, who lives near Athens, Georgia. That's were REM and the B52's are from. She had just returned from a concert.

But this one was put on by her son's kindergarten class. The kids had practiced the songs for 2 weeks--even missing PE in pursuit of musical perfection. We have all been to these performances, right? All the parents smiling and a very involved parents sing along softly. The other cute little kids singing just perfectly while your own kid picks his nose. (Or do you have one of those perfect kids?)

Anyway, as the last song of the concert, the kids sang a song called "A Pizza Hut." Just take a moment to listen: The song even has motions!

So much for believing that it's just big industry marketing junk food to kids. Obviously, at least one kindergarten teacher is in on it, too. Or more than one...there's even a teaching unit that goes with the song.


Salvagetti Bicycle Workshop said...

The only other song I know of that is as blatantly bad for you is "Rock N' Roll McDonalds". But, yes, I have *heard* kids singing this. I just hope this woman got paid a huge amount of money!

Anonymous said...

I was on line looking for healthy cooking projects for my kindergarten students since so many suggested by my colleagues are just laden in sugar and junk- yes I too have heard that song -it is set tune the tune of A Ram Sam Sam which has hand motions. I have explained to teachers why that whould just be stricken from the plan books. It is amazing that some just see it as cutesy and harmless. School should be the last hold out and not let companies in to market to children. Taking a stand!