Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Sardines for Snacks

Yesterday, my 1st grader came home from school and immediately stuck her head way back into the kitchen cabinet where I keep snacks, canned food and cereal. Now, as I have mentioned before, she can be a bit picky about what she eats. So I wasn't sure what she was up to. Normally she asks me what's for snack and then either enjoys it or complains about it.

From deep in the back of the cupboard, she called "Can I have sardines for snack?"

"Oh, sure." I started. "Oh, wait. But you absolutely have to sit at the table, and use a fork, and try not to drip or touch anything until after you've washed your hands. And we are having fish for dinner, so don't eat sardines now if that will make you not want fish later."

She ate the whole can, washed up and then she went off to play. She ate a huge portion of fish for dinner, too.

This is just another example of why I believe so strongly in letting kids make some food decisions themselves--and trying not to overly influence them with our ideas about what isn't good. Would I have ever offers sardines as a snack? No, I'm just not a fan of sardines. But she must have needed fish yesterday. Other days, she's gone vegetable crazy, and still other days she's wanted nothing but citrus fruits. Kids, and human bodies, are just amazing, aren't they?

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