Monday, May 14, 2007

No-sugar Pumkin Pie

No, this is not a recipe! This is a story. But just in case you do want a recipe, I normally start with a great frozen whole-wheat crust (from the health food store). Then I just use the recipe on the back of Libby's Pumpkin (plain, not the pre-mixed pie filling). Only, I use non-fat evaporated milk and cut the sugar in half. ***Rant about types of sugar in the next post.***

So here is the story: I decided to bake a pumpkin pie for dinner the other night. I whipped up the filling, poured it in the crust, then baked it while we ate dinner. Finally, the timer beeped and my kids, my husband, and our ever hopeful dog all rushed into the kitchen all excited about the pie. I sliced the pie and put it on plates. A bit of pie fell off one piece and I popped it in my mouth.

Ugg! The pie was weird. I had left out the sugar.

I confessed to my family, I explained to them that it was very bad pie, and I apologized sorrowfully as I trudged to the trash can. The kids blocked my way. They still wanted pie. They were going to eat the pie: sugar or no sugar. And they told me not to "bad mouth the food." (That's a rule from Feeding the Kids.)

So, we put some low-fat vanilla ice-cream (get the brand) on top, and tasted.

My son said it was a "strong pie" and gobbled it up. My husband said he liked it better than regular pie. My daughter said she didn't like it, and yet she ate it. I was blown away. It tasted really terrible to me. Just goes to show that you can't always know what your kids will or won't eat!

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